FTP Database

A resourceful tool to track the progress of the sector’s research and innovation agenda

​The FTP database is a comprehensive open source data infrastructure that compiles ongoing and concluded research and innovation activities carried out within the European forest-based sector, as well as providing details of relevant funding opportunities. Recently updated, with a more user-friendly interface, it was designed to support the implementation of FTP’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.

The database collects information on forest-based sector-related research and innovation projects, Calls for proposals, research consortia, funding agencies as well as publications and patents. Embodied with a powerful search engine and multiple filters, the tool makes it possible to consult the details of a single project, create customized searches and save reports that provide strategic information about progress within the sector in addressing its RTD&I priorities. 

All data featured in the FTP database has been sourced from the public domain, including CORDIS, Horizon 2020 and from various EU Member State national funding providers. 

The FTP database user manual provides further information about search functions, creating a user profile, how to add new data and the application of results. 

FTP welcomes your kind contribution in improving and expanding its database. If your research project is not featured here, please contact the FTP Secretariat and inform us of how your research and innovation activity contributes to advancing the sector’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for 2020. 

Please contact:
Mr Johan Elvnert

The FTP database is accessible through the unique web address: db.forestplatform.org