Commission announces €8.5 billion funding for research and innovation in 2017

The European Commission announced yesterday (25 July 2016) an investment of €8.5 billion to be released during 2017 into research and innovation following an update to the Work Programme of Horizon 2020. The updated Work Programme builds on the existing cross-cutting themes of Horizon 2020 to date while introducing some novel initiatives. It is directly aligned with the current strategic policy priorities of the Commission including among others key actions supporting a strengthened Europe’s industrial base and a forward-looking climate change policy.

The revision releases the second round of funding from the 2016-17 Work Programme of Horizon 2020 adopted last October. An additional layer of the updated programme makes provisions for introducing an open research data freely available to the science community covering all thematic areas of Horizon 2020. The initiative makes open research data the default setting with the option to opt out of the experiment on the condition of a justification in cases where research data cannot be open.

During its initial two and a half years Horizon 2020 has received around 90,000 eligible proposals.

All the calls and further guidance on the open research date piloting are published on the Participant Portal

Read the complete press release here

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