Tag: ERA-Net funding

June 1, 2018
New study proves ERA-NETs and COST actions beneficial for the European forest-based sector
A newly published study by FCBA and Innovawood reveals high impact of past and existing ERA networks and COST Actions related to the European forest-based sector. Results show the importance of these EU-funded programmes for initiating and executing future oriented forest-related research and innovation projects through transnational networks and cooperative activities. In general results provide […]

April 18, 2018
ForestValue update
At the end of January, the transnational ERA-NET ForestValue reached its first deadline for joint Calls that support research and innovation within the European forest-based sector. Despite the successful implementation of WoodWisdom-Net, FORESTERRA and Sumforest, it still took some effort to convince the EU Member States and the Commission to open a Call for a […]

April 3, 2018
New transnational Call ForestValue on the forest bioeconomy launched
As of 17 October 2017, a new transnational ERA-NET Cofund Call ‘ForestValue– Innovating forest-based bioeconomy‘, has been launched for joint European research, development and innovation proposals in the field of the forest bioeconomy. With a total available budget of over € 40 million, the joint European Call contributes to transforming the current resource-intensive economy to a sustainable biobased […]
September 13, 2017
Announcement of the upcoming transnational research programme ForestValue
The new research programme ForestValue – Innovating the forest-based bioeconomy, pre-announced in early May, will focus on the bioeconomy, substitution of fossil-based raw materials and sustainable wood supply. The budget of the new programme is estimated to surpass € 30 million and includes contributions from the EU Member States, the European Commission as well as […]