Tag: mitigation

September 14, 2017
Did you know… … that Climate-KIC grants initiatives dedicated to tackling climate change?
Breakthrough business ideas with substantial impact on climate change mitigation and adaptation find funding opportunities in the various budget lines of Climate-KIC. Under the thematic priority Sustainable Land-Use, Climate-KIC currently supports 16 research projects and start-ups that carry out forest-related innovation activities to reduce carbon emissions, substitute fossil-based materials or adapt to the impacts of […]

September 13, 2017
The forest sector has a vast potential to provide climate benefits
The positive impact and potential of sustainable forestry in climate and energy policies should be better recognized, claimed forestry experts at a press breakfast organized at the European Forestry House (EFH) on 12 July 2017, the day after the European Parliament’s Environmental Committee (ENVI) voted on the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the […]

Bioproduct mill starts up in Finland
The next-generation bioproduct mill in Äänekoski, Finland, came into operation on 15 August 2017, Metsä Group announced this week. With a budget of approximately € 1.2 billion, this is the largest investment of the forest-based industry in Finland. Pulp deliveries from the new mill to customers will begin in early September 2017. The bioproduct mill […]