Tag: NSG SLovakia

October 3, 2024
FTP exploring innovations in Slovakia
On 24 and 25 September 2024, the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) embarked on a trip to Slovakia, immersing participants in technologies developments in the wood and paper sectors. The first day of the visit was marked by a meeting of the FTP Advisory Committee at the Pulp & Paper Research Institute in Bratislava. During […]

August 21, 2018
FTP brings the forest-based bioeconomy in Slovakia closer
NSG Slovakia is on the verge of improving strategic processes and projects in the forest-based bio-economy. From September 2018, a national FTP hub, in collaboration with the LignoSilva Center of Excellence and the BIOEAST initiative, will boost the necessary synergies between the circular economy, the bioeconomy and the forest-based sector. The main goal of the hub […]

January 4, 2019
NSG Slovakia
The National Support Group of Slovakia (NSG Slovakia) provides a fresh impetus for innovation; it initiates interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation with its national partners, a network consisting of Slovakian decision makers, the research and scientific community, industry, partner organizations, and customers within the forest-based sector. It provides support for projects, finds synergies between different stakeholders and […]