Tag: NSGs

July 6, 2018
FTP AC meeting exchange of experiences with Textile ETP
The 44th FTP Advisory Committee (AC) meeting took place on 12 June 2018 in Brussels with the attendance of representatives from nine countries, as well as FTP shareholders, research umbrella organizations, and observers from the European Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed the revision of the current FTP Vision document, news from the National Support […]
June 28, 2018
FTP Conference 2018
SAVE THE DATE 20 November 2018 – VIENNA FTP Conference Vision 2040: The future role of the forest bioeconomy in Europe International speakers will discuss the future: *Bioeconomy * Sustainable Development Goals * Research and Innovation needs of the Forest-based Sector in Europe Programme highlights: * A new FTP Vision for 2040 * The next EU Research Budget, Horizon Europe Prepare […]
December 21, 2017
43rd FTP AC meeting
The 43rd FTP AC meeting will take place on Thursday 22 March 2018, at the European Forestry House, Brussels. For more information, please contact the FTP Secretariat: noordelaat@forestplatform.org

December 6, 2017
FTP AC meeting discusses future EU research and innovation opportunities and upcoming Austrian presidency
The 42nd FTP Advisory Committee (AC) meeting took place on 28 November 2017 in Brussels with the attendance of representatives from 14 countries, as well as FTP shareholders, research umbrella organizations, and observers including the European Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed FTP’s recent work and achievements, exchanged information on national activities and shared ideas […]

November 20, 2017
Innovation in the forest-based sector, from idea to practice
Hosted by FTP and the Estonian National Support Group (NSG), the FTP stakeholder seminar, as part of the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) flagship conference, held in Tallinn on Tuesday October 24, was a great opportunity to meet with Estonian stakeholders and to bring more attention to the forest-based sector, under the Estonian presidency. Participants from academic institutions, […]
September 21, 2017
Final Conference of the SIMWOOD
Sustainable Innovative Mobilization of Wood – SIMWOOD Lessons learned from more than 20 pilot projects Experiences shared by SMEs Demonstration of tools and products to support wood mobilisation Panel discussion Forests are a major natural resource, covering 159 million hectares or 37% of Europe’s land area (Eurostat 2013). They have multiple ecological, economic and […]
International Scientific Conference: Wood Science Economy
WOOD – SCIENCE – ECONOMY is an international scientific conference organized by the Wood Technology Institute. Both in Poland and abroad scientific conferences have so far been organized separately by the scientists in the field of forestry and those in the field of wood industry. However, the issues regarding forestry and wood management are so complex that they require […]
Innovation in the forest-based sector: from idea to practice
Register now for the stakeholders’ seminar “Innovation in the forest-based sector: from idea to practice” hosted by FTP and NSG Estonia, as part of the flagship conference under the Estonian presidency of the EU Council: Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common Use. Seminar: Innovation in the forest-based sector Time: Tuesday 24 October 2017, from 14:00 […]

September 14, 2017
Did you know…? That you can be an independent expert for the European Commission?
Forest-based sector stakeholders and all FTP partners are good candidates to join the roster of independent experts and advise the European Commission Services on forest-based related issues. Short-term and occasional assignments may include the evaluation of tenders and proposals, review of projects and design policies or monitoring programmes that receive EU funding from Horizon 2020 […]
September 13, 2017
Increase visibility of impact of research and innovation for European citizens
European forest-based sector stakeholders are convinced that the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP9) can significantly increase the visibility of its impact by implementing measures and building on the lessons learnt during the lifespan of Horizon 2020. In a position paper released today, the sector confirms its commitment to working together with the […]