The Swedish forest-based sector and the research community, led by Torgny Persson, Chair of the NSG Sweden (part of FTP), worked hard to develop the “Swedish Forest-based Sector Research Agenda”. After launching the Swedish version in February 2023, the English version is now available for a broader public.

The document gathers the research and development needs divided into three sections: Forest and Forest Raw Material, Wood Processes and Wood products as well as Fibre-based Products and Biorefineries.
Interviewed by the Swedish Forest Industries Association, Johan Elvnert, FTP Secretary General underlines that “the Swedish forest-based sector’s research agenda complements the FTP’s European agenda well, and it also focuses on
specific Swedish interests and needs. National research agendas are important to define the work and ambitions of the European forest-based sector, where our common agenda is reflected in countries’ specific circumstances.”
This alignment ensures that Swedish research efforts are integrated into the broader European framework, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the sharing of best practices across borders.
Promoting forestry practices that preserve biodiversity and ensuring that forests are a source of competitive fossil-free products are central pillars of the Research Agenda. By focusing on sustainable management of forests, the agenda aims to strike a delicate balance between economic growth and environmental stewardship.