Tag: NSG Sweden

June 26, 2023
A new Research Agenda for the Swedish forest-based sector
The Swedish forest-based sector and the research community, led by Torgny Persson, Chair of the NSG Sweden (part of FTP), worked hard to develop the “Swedish Forest-based Sector Research Agenda”. After launching the Swedish version in February 2023, the English version is now available for a broader public. specific Swedish interests and needs. National research […]

May 17, 2019
NSG Sweden
The forest-based sector and the R&I landscape in Sweden National Support Group NSG Sweden consists of a secretariat and three broad reference groups that include experts from industry, research community and government funding agencies. The Swedish Forest Industries Federation nominates the chairperson for NSG Sweden and the process leaders for the reference groups. Organizations appoint […]

March 21, 2018
The forest-based sector in Sweden
In Sweden, forests cover 70% of the country. There is now twice as much wood in Sweden as there was 90 years ago. 1% of the forest is felled annually. Nonetheless, growth outpaces felling. The Swedish forest-based industries employ approximately 108 000 people, and Sweden has more than 30 000 private forest owners. Export value […]