Fulfilling consumer needs

Strategic Theme 4

Vision Target 8

Wood-based construction in Europe has tripled its market share, from the 2010 level, reaching a turnover of €200 billion, whilst the overall added value of the woodworking industries has doubled. Increased value will come from new products and services, as well as more widespread use of energy-saving modular housing structures and functional furniture. 

Vision Target 9

The pulp and paper industry is well on its way to reaching the targets set out in the CEPI 2050 Roadmap. Novel and smart packaging solutions, integrated printed and digital products and innovative hygiene goods, for increased efficiency, value and safety have evolved. 

Vision Target 10

Added value from new markets for non-wood forest goods (mushrooms, berries, clean water) and services (recreation, tourism, climate change mitigation) has increased ten-fold.