Tag: RIA 4.3

April 3, 2018
New transnational Call ForestValue on the forest bioeconomy launched
As of 17 October 2017, a new transnational ERA-NET Cofund Call ‘ForestValue– Innovating forest-based bioeconomy‘, has been launched for joint European research, development and innovation proposals in the field of the forest bioeconomy. With a total available budget of over € 40 million, the joint European Call contributes to transforming the current resource-intensive economy to a sustainable biobased […]

September 14, 2017
Apply by 31 January to become a member of the EIP on Raw Materials
The European Commission’s DG GROW is calling for the applications of new members to make up the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP-RM). The deadline for applications is 31 January 2017. A stronger representation of the forest-based sector in the new membership of the Operational Groups is expected and a subgroup dedicated to biotic […]
September 13, 2017
The BBI JU Call 2017 will release € 81 million of funding for the European biobased industries
The BBI JU Call 2017 of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) features several topics relevant for the forest-based sector, falling under the areas of the FTP Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Out of 16 topics covering all possible types of actions, FTP has identified topics that address activities within ‘Integrated biorefinery concepts’ (RIA […]
The Commission launches Bioeconomy Report 2016
Key figures on jobs and turnover, along with an in-depth analysis of the bioeconomy across all sectors, are compiled in the Bioeconomy Report 2016 published in June by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. It is the first report ever to disclose comprehensive bioeconomy-related data as well as data collected from the […]

European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel wrestles with agreement on a European Bioeconomy Manifesto
The Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel is still struggling with the important milestone of finalizing the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto. This document is expected to be officially published on European Bioeconomy Day, set for mid-November. With 28 “building blocks” of which three are still being debated, the Manifesto aims to express the views of all stakeholder groups […]

Setting the mission for industry in the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme
The objective of the High-Level Meeting hosted by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) on 16 June 2017, in Brussels, was to jointly build the mission of the industrial technologies industry, and explore its new approaches for the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme, that will replace Horizon 2020. Speaking […]
BIC launches new roadmap to develop Europe’s circular bioeconomy
To help build a resource-efficient, circular and biobased economy, the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC) has announced its new Strategic and Research Agenda (SIRA). The SIRA identifies the activities needed to speed up the development of sustainable and competitive biobased industries in Europe. The updated SIRA addresses the technological and innovation challenges facing the biobased industries, takes […]

FTP at EuroNanoForum 2017
Advanced materials and nanotechnologies are key enabling technologies for the innovation portfolio of the forest-based sector. Having a strong competence in these areas has enabled the sector to provide powerful solutions to societal needs. FTP Managing Director Johan Elvnert stressed this point during the session Advanced materials and nanotechnologies for a bio- based and circular […]

The bioeconomy age no longer science fiction
Lignin, nanocellulose, cross-laminated timber, biochemicals, biofuels, wood-based packaging, forest fibre textiles and countless materials and products of biological origin, particularly from forests, can replace a range of fossil fuel and non-renewable materials; these products can also have enhanced energy efficiency or environmental performance. To assume that these biobased materials and products will trigger a paradigm […]

European Bioeconomy Panel reaches consensus on draft Bioeconomy Manifesto
Amendments proposed by FTP helped to untangle the last critical issues in the draft Bioeconomy Manifesto under preparation by the members of the European Bioeconomy Stakeholders Panel during the Panel’s two-day meeting held on 6-7 July 2017. With this break-through, a signing of the Bioeconomy Stakeholders Manifesto is within reach. “A European Bioeconomy Manifesto […]