2nd Consultation on a new European Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for the forest-based sector 2030
Following the launch of the sector’s Vision 2040 in November 2018, the forest-based sector is renewing its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), to provide a roadmap to achieve the 10 Vision Targets that this document sets out.
The FTP SRA Editing Team has drawn up a proposal setting out the steps (Challenges) that could be taken to achieve the Targets. In order for these Challenges to be overcome, a series of research and innovation activities (RIAs) have been proposed. The structure can be illustrated with the following example:

Timeline for the Consultation
Second stakeholder Consultation:
Deadline Tuesday 21 May, 15.00h CET
Document to be consulted on
Stakeholders of the forest-based sector are invited to comment on the following draft document:
- FTP_SRA_2030_Consultation_Document_v2.0_2019-04-19.docx. Overall comments on the document, structure, missing items etc. to be made in track-change form.
How your input should be submitted
The FTP NSGs, sector Associations and research umbrella organizations will coordinate the response from their members. If anyone cannot get hold of their contact, they can submit comments directly to FTP, to the following e-mail address: ftp@forestplatform.org
For more detailed instructions on how to participate in this open consultation please click on the following link: Explanations_to_FTP_SRA_consultation_nbr_2.pptx
Important reference documents
The list of suggested Research & Innovation Areas (RIAs). If you would like to add RIAs or delete any already included, please provide these suggestions by e-mail (address above).
SRA 2030 Research & Innovation Activities (RIAs)
The Vision 2040 is FTP’s core document and sets out the long-term ambitions of the forest-based sector. Launched in 2018, it sets out 10 Vision Targets; the new SRA 2030 aims to provide the steps needed to reach these Targets.
Vision 2040 of the Forest-based Sector
The FTP Strategic & Research Agenda 2020 has provided the roadmap for research and innovation activities since 2013, based on 19 Research & Innovation Areas (RIAs). The SRA 2030 should reflect ongoing RIAs which are still required, and include new Research & Innovation Areas which are now a priority.
In order to deal with upcoming megatrends and EU policy development up to 2040, the SRA 2030 could define a scenario for which the forest-based sector can aim its research and innovation activities.
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