Tag: Forestry

January 25, 2023
Get a Grant for your Innovative Forest Management and Bioeconomy Solution
Bioregions Open innovation Challenges provide a framework to identify and support the development and scaling-up of innovative solutions (technologies, business ideas, etc.) to pressing challenges in forest management and the forest bioeconomy. Its final objective is to facilitate sustainable transitions in European regions putting into value the full range of ecosystem services provided by forests. […]

July 15, 2020
European Commission introducing Energy System Integration as the pathway towards deep decarbonisation of the European economy
The European Commission (EC) has published the EU Strategy for Energy System Integration which provides the framework for the green energy transition across multiple energy carriers, infrastructures, and consumption sectors. Creating smarter and more integrated energy systems will require more innovative initiatives and research-based actions, significant infrastructure investments, as well as a strong cross-sector collaboration […]

December 21, 2018
FTP publishes a guide to upcoming H2020 Call topics
The European Commission recently released the Horizon 2020 work programme for 2018–2020. For the next three years, Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest research and innovation programme ever, will focus on climate, clean energy, the circular economy and digitizing European industry, by offering EUR 30 billion to successful applicants. FTP has identified around 50 Call topics […]

May 17, 2018
LIFE funding for forest management
The EU’s multiannual programme for environment and climate, LIFE, has launched its 2018 Call for proposals. The LIFE programme is structured around two sub-programmes: environment and climate action. Each holds specific thematic priorities with major relevance for forest management. With investments up to € 400 million, LIFE will co-finance pilot and demonstration projects to develop, […]
April 18, 2018
Forwarder2020 project knowledge transfer seminar
The event is organized by the Horizon2020 funded project Forwarder 2020 on behalf of the European Commission and is free of charge. When? 16th May 2018 (half-day event: 13.00 pm – 17.00 pm)Where? Banchory Lodge Hotel (Banchory, Scotland) (Dee St, Banchory AB31 5HS) (overnight accommodation available) Project´s first Knowledge Transfer Seminar will present the first […]
March 13, 2018
Forest innovation workshop 2018
Inform-prioritise-collaborate: cooperation of regions on innovation in forest management, use of wood and forest-related services Started in 2014 as a joint initiative of relevant European organizations interested in keeping the vital and innovative forest-based sector, the 3rd edition of the European Workshop devoted to forest innovation will take place in Brussels, on 26 April 2018. […]
January 31, 2018
6th International Forest Engineering Conference
FEC2018: Quenching our thirst for new knowledge, 16th – 19th April 2018, Rotorua, New Zealand This truly international conference event creates a forum for researchers and practitioners from the broad field of forest engineering to share research ideas and experiences from around the world. It will also showcase the local forest and equipment manufacturing industry […]
September 14, 2017
Sumforest announces pre-call for transnational research projects
The FP7 ERA-NET Sumforest pre-announces the upcoming call for transnational collaborative research projects. The call "Sustainable forests for the society of the future" will open on 21 March 2016 with a closing date for proposal on the 17 June 2016. This call for proposals focuses on basic and applied research that aims to support policy decisions regarding […]
Share your ideas and contribute to shape the research and innovation needs on the use of hardwoods in Europe
InnovaWood and the European Forest Institute are calling upon forest-based stakeholders in research and industry to develop a European Innovation and Research Program (EIRP) dedicated to the sustainable and added-value use of hardwood species in Europe. Respondents to the online questionnaire can share their innovative ideas on a variety of themes that cover both forestry […]

Research project to advance investigation on tree genes that account for growth- and yield-promoting abilities
SweTree Technologies enters partnership with UPSC and VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology to boost tree growth The use of molecular genetic tools to increase forest productivity and tree growth is a challenge that the European forest-based sector is eager to address. This important endeavour, to enhance biomass production in Europe, is at the core […]