Tag: Vision 2040

February 20, 2019
Vision 2040
FTP’s core document, Vision 2040 of the European forest-based sector, looks ahead at maximizing the potential of research and innovation in the forest-based sector to bring about resilient ecosystems, smart products and social growth within the circular bioeconomy. “Knowledge and investment, which leads to a sustainable increase in wood production, is the basis for the […]

November 26, 2018
10 Vision Targets for 2040
1. Sustainable forest management, biodiversity and resilience to climate change The importance of sustainable and multifunctional forest management is widely acknowledged, due to its benefits for society. Resilient and diverse European forests, managed through different types of ownership, provide a wide array of forest ecosystem services including raw material production, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and protection of water-related ecosystems. 2. Increased, sustainable wood production and […]