Tag: Wood

December 21, 2018
FTP publishes a guide to upcoming H2020 Call topics
The European Commission recently released the Horizon 2020 work programme for 2018–2020. For the next three years, Horizon 2020, the EU’s largest research and innovation programme ever, will focus on climate, clean energy, the circular economy and digitizing European industry, by offering EUR 30 billion to successful applicants. FTP has identified around 50 Call topics […]

April 25, 2018
Just released: European Raw Materials Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050
On 17 April 2018, the final conference of the VERAM project marked the release of a Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050, jointly developed by the European raw materials sectors. With close to 180 concrete activities, cross-cutting the minerals, metals and biotic raw materials value chains, it is the only European research and innovation roadmap for […]
April 18, 2018
Forwarder2020 project knowledge transfer seminar
The event is organized by the Horizon2020 funded project Forwarder 2020 on behalf of the European Commission and is free of charge. When? 16th May 2018 (half-day event: 13.00 pm – 17.00 pm)Where? Banchory Lodge Hotel (Banchory, Scotland) (Dee St, Banchory AB31 5HS) (overnight accommodation available) Project´s first Knowledge Transfer Seminar will present the first […]

March 15, 2018
In the spotlight: research and innovation roadmap for European raw materials
Johan Elvnert, Managing Director of the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) has been leading the VERAM activities related to the establishment and consolidation of the Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050. The final conference of the EU-funded VERAM, held in Brussels, on 17 April 2018, will disseminate the vision and roadmap that lay out key research and […]

Registration open for the VERAM final conference on 17 April 2018
EU Raw Materials 2050: Roadmap to Success Registration for the final conference of the project VERAM – Vision and Roadmap 2050 for European Raw Materials, is now open. The EU Raw Materials 2050: Roadmap to Success conference will take place on 17 April 2018, at Palais des Académies/Paleis der Academiën, in Brussels. Research and innovation […]
March 13, 2018
Forest innovation workshop 2018
Inform-prioritise-collaborate: cooperation of regions on innovation in forest management, use of wood and forest-related services Started in 2014 as a joint initiative of relevant European organizations interested in keeping the vital and innovative forest-based sector, the 3rd edition of the European Workshop devoted to forest innovation will take place in Brussels, on 26 April 2018. […]
March 1, 2018
EU Raw Materials 2050: Roadmap to Success
The final conference of the VERAM project, Brussels, 17 April 2018 The final conference of the VERAM project – Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials in 2050 – will take place in Brussels on 17 April 2018. Join us for the launch of this far-reaching research and innovation vision and roadmap for 2050, and […]

November 21, 2017
Have your say on future research and innovation priorities for the European raw materials sector
The VERAM Research and Innovation Roadmap 2050 for the European raw materials is now open for stakeholder’s input. The consultation gives your organisation a chance to influence future R&I funding and the evolution of the raw material sectors in the mid- and long-term perspective. The Roadmap will indirectly influence future priorities of the European Innovation Partnership […]

November 8, 2017
Raw materials stakeholders kick-off discussions on the future of the EU’s raw materials policy
The newly appointed members of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP RM) convened in Brussels on 29 September 2017 for kick-off discussions at the beginning of its renewed mandate on the future objectives of the EU’s raw materials policy and its own role in implementing them. As announced in July, the chairperson of the FTP Board, Lena […]

September 14, 2017
50-years old timber frames turned into brand new windows
Landfills are usually the final spot where window frames come to rest after the end of their lifetime, if they are not re-processed and converted into new products. The resource efficient reuse of post-consumer wood products have been studied in the project Cascading Recovered Wood (CaReWood) and fully demonstrated by its ReWin window, a prototype […]