February 15, 2018

4.3 New biobased products

Rationale Today, pulp and sawn wood are the primary products of the forestbased industries. These are further refined into a spectrum of products, ranging from commodity to consumer products (see state of the art below). The emerging biobased economy, however, demands more alternatives to current fossil based products. This opens up significant opportunities for the […]

3.3 Sustainable water stewardship

Rationale Water availability varies dramatically, both in Europe and worldwide. Some regions suffer from severe water deficit, affecting forest growth and forest stewardship. At the same time, in most cases forests are a prerequisite for the sustainable supply of water used in a great variety of processes in forest-based industries. Water supply is an ecosystem […]

September 29, 2017

1.1 The performance of the sector in a perspective of global change

Rationale Raw materials, water, air, biodiversity and terrestrial ecosystems are all under pressure. The growing impacts of climate change, increasing demand for raw materials and energy, and environmental problems, such as land degradation and surface sealing, water shortages and floods, chemical pollution, and biodiversity loss, indicate that the planet is approaching the limits of sustainability. […]

March 7, 2017

3.5 New business models and service concepts

Rationale Innovative business models help to create new jobs and are a basis for a competitive and green European industry. The forest-based sector offers a broad range of businesses from the area of ecosystem services towards traditional consumer goods and bioenergy generation. Businesses aimed at broadening feedstock resources and the development of new CO2-neutral products […]

3.4 Biorefinery concepts

Rationale Reducing our dependence on non-renewable resources for energy, but also consumer products, is a central objective of the EU. Building alternative value chains based on biomass is one of the solutions. In such value chains existing biorefinery units (e.g. pulp and sawmills) play an essential role as they can supply the downstream value chain […]